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Taizhou Ontech Power Machinery Co., Ltd.

Main categories: Gas generator,Diesel generator,Distribution cabinet,CNC Machine


Ontech Power is a mainland manufacturer specializing in the production ofNATURAL GAS, LPG, Porpane and Diesel generator sets (land diesel powergenerator & marine diesel generating set).Ontech Power has been engaged in the generator set industry since 2008,specializing in natural gas generator sets and diesel generator sets. Ontech'sFactory generators assembling centers have From 10kVA up to 3000kVA.More than 15 years of experience in the design, re-search and manufacturingof diesel genset in strict compliance with CE standards.Up to being now, Hospitals, factories, railway transportation, andinfrastructure industries, etc., Ontech Power have been working well in manyfields including many fields. We look forward to cooperating with you.

Company: Taizhou Ontech Power Machinery Co., Ltd. Type: 企业单位 ()
Area: China Size:
Capital: N/A Year of registration: 2000
Verfied:   verified
Deposit: Paid 0.00 Dolla
Business: Main categories: Gas generator,Diesel generator,Distribution cabinet,CNC Machine
Motor and generator
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